Aquarius Teen: Zodiac Signs

Curious teenager

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Young Aquarius is a loner and has a strong will for doing their own fringe-y thing. Often there's something striking about you: friends say in confused tones, "They're different." 

You love to defy expectations, and this makes you a super rebel, above and beyond what others are naturally doing. You especially find regimens hard, so school and its Pavlovian bells and expected passivity is crazymaking. 

When you crush on someone, you like to get to know them while with your peeps. See Aquarius in Love for more on Zodiac Compatibility.

Ice Storms

When icicles hang like crystals in the winter landscape (in some places), it's the season of Aquarius. If this is your Sun sign, your mind is detached and conceptual, and this makes you preoccupied with far-reaching ideas. Your point of view envelops “all of us,” and this draws you toward groups, clubs and in and out of friend circles.

By joining your thoughts with others, you experience the power of the unified whole, that forms the basis for collective actions. Whether it's community-based, or globally oriented, this joining up is what you thrive on. You have strong humanitarian impulses and may get involved in local actions, unions, movements, political parties, or even a revolution. And even as you're a natural “joiner,” you are fiercely individualistic, and veer toward being quirky or weird. You are unusually accepting and come to the defense of both the underdog and those that live out their fringe beliefs.

You have a “live and let live” philosophy that makes you meet everyone without judgment. You're known as the friendliest sign, though this is not warm and fuzzy, but more the arms-length respectful variety.

You're a people person, but with your own personal atmosphere that serves as a boundary or space cushion. This makes it hard to ever know you well and is just one of your many paradoxes to your nature that confounds others. But you allow others this space too, which makes for respectful, dignified alliances. You're a fixed sign that seeks to make order out of life's chaos, even as you bust out of society's fixed beliefs. You're a paradox like that.

You let your freak flag fly, and often break taboos, but can be stubbornly attached to those unconventional attitudes. You need the freedom to break out in any direction but can try to willfully boss others around. These enigmatic ways make you the most fascinating, puzzling, shocking, and unpredictable sign of the Zodiac.


Your strength is your individuality. More than other signs, you are not afraid to be different. This leads to your reputation for being a trendsetter in fashion, art, music, or technological know-how. You also can be ahead of your time, when it comes to consciousness. You think about things nobody else does. Your opinion can be shocking because it's so clear and objective. That's how you drop in your genius: in a group, like in class, this can lead to breakthroughs.

You're just as likely to be super social, as to be a loner. Your personality is Uranian, the planet of sudden plot twists. Some of your friends might be shocked at how different you act, from one day to the next. You don't like to be stereotyped.

Aquarius Details

  • The dates for the Sun entering Aquarius are January 20/21.
  • The symbol is the Water Bearer, a female figure pouring from two vessels. It represents the Aquarian fluidity of forms, and the ability to change reality with a sudden new concept.
  • Aquarius rules the ankles and the circulatory system.
  • It’s the sign that finally sees from horizon to horizon, giving it a perspective that’s lofty and detached.

Traditional Aquarius Categories

  • Aquarius element is Air.
  • Aquarius quality is Fixed.
  • Aquarius ruler is Uranus (and ancient ruler Saturn).
  • Aquarius polarity is Leo.
  • Read more about Aquarius Zodiac Sign.


  • Aquarius thrives on dropping its thought-creations into the wider world.
  • The glyph for Aquarius shows waves, like electrical currents, reflecting the affinity for connecting technologies, like the Internet, satellites, and space exploration.
  • Aquarius is often a catalyst, as a rebel with many causes that are meant to hurl society forward in evolution.
  • It’s a sign that loves beyond labels and tends to marry someone from another culture or race.