Rising Signs: Pisces Rising

Close up of Poseidon statue.
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Pisces Rising guys and gals are different, and seem set apart, or living in their own fantasy. When young, you can feel strangely detached, as if you're not of this world. Your challenge is to be in the body, as the ​spirit in matter, and to make the most of it. Your Rising Sign is your outer layer, the way you appear to others. 

Pisces is the dream weaver of the Zodiac, who experiences life as a trippy multi-dimensional experience. The Pisces rising is kind, receptive, and sometimes lost-looking. The persona can seem diffuse and changeable. You often morph into a new mask to match the company, with this changeable (mutable) rising. You are impressionable and easily overwhelmed by stronger personalities. That's why it's important to be discerning about the company you keep.

You thrive with supportive friends that help you make sense of all that's swirling within your mind and heart. You are lucky if you've got an artistic outlet for your overactive imagination. You are likely talented in representing life in symbol, sounds, and movement, whether through drama, music, visual arts, or dance. Your chart ruler is Neptune when Pisces is your Rising Sign. 

Open Borders

You are compassionate and may take in every stray person or animal you see. You are vulnerable to being taken advantage of by less caring types. They spot potential prey in you, especially if you don't pair your intuition with critical thinking. 

It's easy for you to lose yourself in another, so discernment and setting clear boundaries are life lessons. You can be the one that goes with the flow, even if it's destructive. There are many sad tales of naive or trusting waifs, and perhaps some of them are Pisces Rising. You've got compassion for even the 'dark' souls among us; if you're not careful, you can put yourself in harm's way. Luckily, you're intuitive, and can use that to stay safe, but only if you heed it. 

When you're tuned in to how you feel, around a person or in a certain situation, you gain confidence in using that inner radar as a guide. It's easy for you to be overwhelmed. That's why it's good for the soul to be alone, and wring out the emotions. You can be a self-sacrificing friend, but it pays to take care of yourself first.

You run into trouble when you're struggling with addiction, or fall in with bad company. This clouds your thinking and can create a cascade of bad decisions that build on each other. On the other hand, you can trigger a protective response in others, and attract guardian figures. The lost child aspect of your personality sometimes brings saviors, that help you find your way. Indeed, you are someone who benefits from a caring, guiding hand. 

A Mystic's Attitude

The Rising Sign is how you move out into the world. With Pisces as your front door and persona, you're someone attuned to things like serendipity, dreams, symbolic language, etc.  

You get overwhelmed with too much socializing and are restored with time alone, with your music, books, movies, artwork, or intimate friends. When possible, give yourself a lot of free time to be spontaneous, and also to simply do nothing. 

You grow strong when you've got a clear and direct channel to that subtle knowing that's your birth rite.