Learn the Meaning of 'Virgo Rising'

Your Personality Traits with Virgo Rising at Your Birth

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Before the 20th century, if a person walked up to you in a saloon and was forward enough to ask you what your "sign" was, believe it or not, it would not be your sun sign. Most people would state their "rising" sign as their primary sign. Those with Virgo rising are hygiene heroes, usually very trustworthy, sometimes with an annoying type-A tendency.

All Rise

Your rising sign, which is also known as your ascendant, represents the way others see you—your impression upon the world. This rising sign was the Zodiac sign that was ascending on the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth.

Virgo Rising

Virgo is the sign of thoughtful action, being an earth sign ruled by the thinking planet, Mercury.  A Virgo rising person makes their way carefully and is meticulously spotless. A Virgo rising has a personality that is purposeful and trustworthy. People with Virgo ascendants are sensitive to any discomfort or other signals their body gives them.

You tend to be matter-of-fact and sometimes can come off as cold to new people. You like to stay productive and make the most of your day.

You are always looking for ways to improve yourself especially your health. You like to focus on fixing things, which can sometimes make you seem negative. You may struggle with insecurity and self-criticism, and do not fall into the trap of constantly flogging yourself for this or that.

Your Professional Persona

You can be quiet and lose yourself in the rhythm of work. Because of your insecure feelings, you can sometimes be blind or too myopic to see when something is going well. When you have job satisfaction, it is easier for you to relax into the day. It is important to have outlets for nervous body tension and to take your workout routine seriously.

You suffer more than most when your balance is upset, which is why you are resistant to major changes. You may be negatively triggered by change and will want to watch that. Virgo ascendants have a tendency to worry a lot, especially when confronted with new situations. They notice the tiniest details that others overlook. Because many Virgo types are nervous, this can affect your digestion. 

You come across as sincere and capable. You shine most when you know your efforts are appreciated. You have an instinct for doing what is right and fair. Others rely on you for a true, unfiltered account of what is going on, though you may miss the emotional nuances.

Your practical outlook helps you stay grounded in a crisis, as you focus on the small steps that need to be done. You may enjoy work that involves refining or tending to the details, like editing, art restoration, or physical therapy.

Your gift is understanding the whole, and how the parts fit together.  That's why you are a genius at systems, and any work related to refining a system.

You personality traits including being helpful, articulate, methodical, modest, fair-minded, persnickety, and a perfectionist.

You sport a clean, neat look. You are generally healthy and have scrutinizing eyes. You prefer natural fabrics. Your fashion sense is unpretentious.