Your Luckiest Year? The Jupiter Return

Piece Of Gold in nature surrounded by leaves symbolizing natural prosperity.
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Every 12 years, Jupiter comes back to meet your natal Jupiter. "Many Happy Returns!" we wish others, and Jupiter's return is usually a lucky year. The abundance flows and you seem to be in the right place, at the right time.

It's also a wake-up call, if your heart is not in what you're doing. If you're uninspired during Jupiter's return, it's possibly time to make big changes. Your Jupiter sign is a guide to following your bliss and claiming the treasure that comes with growth, risk, and expansion. The element and modality of your Jupiter sign have clues to your true passions.

Jupiter is a kind of north star in the birth chart, along with other factors like the North Node. Since Jupiter is the planet of the future and aspirations, your Jupiter return is a time to make plans. 

Growing With Jupiter

The first Jupiter Return, around age 12, is when your natural interests emerge with more enthusiasm. An alert parent can act on these inclinations, with instruction, summer camp, learning excursions, or family road trips.

Then at each 12-year interval, Jupiter returns to remind you of what grabs you most. It's a year when money flows, especially when you're aligned with your soul's calling. People show up and help you, like human angels. Being clear about your intent and putting the word out, yields big results. It's a good idea to meet influential people in your field, and put yourself "out there," so the connections can be made.

Jupiter's expansiveness happens when you direct it toward what you want most. Jupiter's return brings you back to a sense of meaning and being supported by the universe in a mysterious way. When you align with what you're meant to be doing, magic happens. And under the influence of Jupiter, this is a powerful force for growth and drawing wealth.

Jupiter Return (in Retrograde)

There's a chance Jupiter will retrograde during your return year.  It can seem that the traction isn't there to move forward. But there is a concentration or charge to do with dreams and making them real. So it can be a time of looking back and spotting what you're drawn to again and again. The timeless fascinations are a big clue to your passions. These may need to be excavated, and be brought in to the light of day.

Since Jupiter is to do with faith, it's a time to get back on track, if you've gone off the rails. Watch out for allies that cross your path, and remind you of what inspires you most. When Jupiter starts to station direct, you'll get moving again.  

Go Far With Jupiter - Ideas

  • Attend workshops, and join associations in your field.
  • Travel or re-locate.
  • Totally immerse yourself in your driving passion (magazines, new friendships, courses).
  • Be visible -- move in the circles of people you admire.
  • Invest time and resources into making your dream happen.
  • Gain skills that prepare you for an opportunity.
  • Spend time with those that cheer you on.
  • See yourself as 'lucky' and expect good things to happen.
  • Make a Jupiter Return Vision Board.
  • Spread some good gossip about yourself.