Virgo and Aquarius Love Compatibility

Flighty Aquarius and anchored Virgo can make an odd couple

Couple with sparklers
Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

Virgo and Aquarius are cool characters with lots of quirks. They're arguably the most particular signs of the zodiac. Both are matter-of-fact about themselves, though that doesn't mean there isn't much to discover. If there's a civilized beginning and other chemistry in the birth chart, you could have a winner.

A big difference shows up, however, when they're deciding what to do together. Virgo likes to cast ahead and imagine where they'll park, how far they'll walk, and so on. Airy Aquarians like to do things on the fly and change plans if the winds shift.

Does Virgo get into a funk when Aquarius has a sudden urge to blow off the reservations? Does Aquarius' erratic behavior bring out the dark side of Virgo? Does the rigid perfectionism of Virgo bring out the destructively rebellious dark side of Aquarius?

That's where any trouble begins, with the Waterbearer restless to scramble the usual groove with amazingly novel experiences. Virgos are planner and so sensitive to their physical environment. The nervous side of Virgos comes out when they're pushed beyond their comfort zone.

Virgo in Love is practical, observant, and sensual. Aquarius in Love is experimental, rebellious, and a thinker.

Attitude Toward the New

The difference in rhythm and reaction to new experiences can permeate the whole affair. This pairing gets extra points for the degree of relating challenges. However, there are shades of similarity that can form a starting point. As always, look at the full chart. If there's amazing love chemistry, you probably have other factors in play.

The affair begins in the mind since both fancy themselves sharp thinkers. Each brings a refined outlook and set of opinions to the table. Both are somewhat detached emotionally and are not terribly fond of PDAs. They can dispassionately cover many topics.

They find a shared interest in discussing social issues, though Aquarius comes across as looking to new solutions while Virgo sticks with the tried and true. Both can be swept up in reforming zeal. Both try to be a force for good in the world but go about it in very different ways.

Social Presence

When dating, the Aquarian shows up, but not in the punctual way that makes Virgo feel respected. The Waterbearer is friendly in a far-reaching way, while Virgo likes to dwell in the particulars of one relationship. Virgo's uncertainty grows unless there are signs of sincere devotion.

The Aquarian doesn't like to be locked into commitment or routine. But these two things help Virgos relax and start to reveal their deeper selves in a relationship. If Virgo is kept on edge and on the defense against chaotic energies, they might start pulling away. Working that out is a central theme for this couple. It helps to take time apart, and both signs have a loner side that brings balance to their togetherness.

While outwardly both appear cool and detached, the differences in temperament are many. Aquarius likes to break taboos, while Virgo as a rule prefers to perfect the known. Aquarius is cool physically and likes to experiment in the bedroom. Virgo is warm and earthy but often prefers the simple and traditional over anything too kinky. Both can be inscrutable, which can end up making the relationship a quirky one that plays out in their heads. Neither wears their heart on their sleeve.

Order and Chaos

At home, Virgo could end up being the tidy and responsible one with the knitted brow. Aquarians get lost in their own world of ideas and often let mundane responsibilities slide. Virgo falls into the nagging role, and the criticism is aimed right at carefree Aquarius. The Waterbearer decides that Virgo is a downer who's trying to micromanage their life. These two signs carry the signature of Order (Virgo) and Chaos (Aquarius), and the relationship can be marked by wild swings to either extreme.

When they're in harmony, Virgo's practical visions help flighty Aquarius bring their dreams down to earth. Virgo's gift for discernment can help the Waterbearer home in on a worthwhile goal and lay out the steps. Aquarius shows Virgo the big picture​ and keeps them from following too narrow a track. Aquarius draws Virgo into seeing things from a loftier perspective, if only for a moment.

Virgo's gift to Aquarius is helping them be in their bodies and know the subtle joys of the senses. When Aquarius can soar and Virgo feels there's an anchor, this relationship, while an awkward match-up, can work.

  • Upside: Erudite; drawn to minimal, clean spaces; compassionate; champions of society's most vulnerable; insightful; natural; prefers quality over quantity; committed
  • Downside: Stubborn; creates secret lives; compartmentalizing; remote; cold; unfaithful
  • Element and Quality: Mutable earth (Virgo) and fixed air (Aquarius)